The Belstat: in Belarus 77 ths Employees Were Dismissed in October
Author: Newsmaker added 28-11-2012, 16:14

It is reported in the official press-release of the National Statistical Committee (the Belstat) that in January-October this year 4570,8 ths people were employed in economy of Belarus, which is less by 2% (93.3 ths people) than over the same period in 2011.
In January-October organizations of the republic (except for non-state small enterprises) hired 753.8 ths people and discharged 783.3 ths employees on different grounds.
In Belarus 76.9 ths people lost their job during October. It should be taken into account that 83.9 ths people were accepted for employment.
To sum up, in January-October the number of people dismissed exceeded the number of the employed by 29.5 ths people. Still it is worth noting that the named indexes are not least caused by migration of labour to the Russian labour-market.
One should remind that the government’s five-year plan is to create job for 400 ths people. However, as a matter of fact only 43.5 ths new workplaces were created from the beginning of the year. Keeping the current rates only 260 ths new workplaces are to be created in the next five years.
As regards losses of workplaces within the sectors of economy in January-October 2012, the main rates are the following. The number of people working for building sector reduced for 16.2 ths people. The second place went to industrial sector, which lost 13.7 ths employees. Finally, the number of people used to work for educational sphere declined by 5.6 ths people.