The title "Miss Laos - 2012" got the girl with Belarusian roots
Author: Newsmaker added 3-07-2013, 07:27

For the first time in the history of the beauty contest the winner became the girl with Belarusian roots. Previously the crown was won by only indigenous beauty of Laos. But from the first minutes when Christina Lassasima entered the podium it was clear that she is the main contender for the title of the most beautiful girl in the country. Each performance of 19-year-old Christina was accompanied by loud applause of the hall.
Her mother was born in Lelchytsy (Gomel region). When Christina was a child she used to come to her grandmother on holiday with her parents. Now she had not seen her granny for two years. Her relatives from Belarus find information about famous granddaughter from the Internet. The final of "Miss Laos - 2012" they watched online.
Grandmother admitted that her granddaughter promised to come to Lelchytsy next year.
Christina was born in Laos. Together with her family she lives in the capital Vientiane. She is studying to be a programmer.
Among the 20 finalists the jury noted the Laotian beauty with Belarusian roots. And typical Belarusian unpredictability and inconsistency astonished the jury in a good way. Christina Lassasima plays the violin professionally and also does karate-do professionally about 10 years.
Natalia Lassasima (the mother of Christina) said that she met with her husband and got acquainted. Then a friendship struck up and grew into love. Two years later they got married. The wedding was in Minsk. When her husband graduated they moved to Laos.
And there Belarusian-Lao family has lived together for 20 years. As Christina admitted, it is possible that she will return to Belarus after completing her study. Despite the difference of the 8000 kilometers the two countries have much in common. Laos, as well as Belarus, is called the country of hospitality.