Puslovsky Сastle in Kossava
Author: Lida added 16-12-2012, 07:37

The governor Casimir Puslovsky initiated the construction of the castle and in 1838, the Warsaw architect Frantisek Yascholda began construction next to the estates of Tadeusz Kosciuszko. Binding to this area was quite deliberate: Puslovsky was very proud of this neighborhood. In those times project stone castle was original. Even now it is difficult to find an analogue in the Polish and Belarusian architecture.
The construction began Casimir Puslovsky and continued his son Vandalin. But Vandalin’s son, Leon, lost the castle of cards debts in favor of aristocrat Alexandrov. After the castle was passed from hand to hand to different masters, and lost its grandeur and luxury.

Napoleon Orda. Kosciuszko House and Kosovo castle in XIX century.
The castle is an example of neo-Gothic architecture, it had a regular geometric shape with 12 towers which symbolize the month of the year. In the palace there were more than 130 rooms, each of them was with its distinctive features. For example, the balls were in a white room, in a black room the guests played cards, and in pink one they played music. Moreover the tame lion was strolling through the corridors of the castle, and exotic fish were swimming under a glass floor.
The castle was surrounded by terraced park, in which more than 150 species of exotic plants were grown. According to the legend, the Puslovsky residence and Ruzhansky palace were connected with 25-kilometer long underground passage.

Puslovsky family liked to have fun. One of the entertainments was summer sledding. From the top terrace to the bottom one the way was sprinkled with salt and snowy trails were ready.
The Puslovsky family had not only beautiful and luxurious living, but they also took care of the people, and made a significant contribution to the development of their country. In Kossava were built cloth factory, mill, brick plant, the steam engine.
During the years of the First World War from the palace were gone sculptures, paintings, jewelry, and a collection of rare manuscripts.
After Kossava became part of Poland, the castle became the property of the state, and it housed the district council and the school of bee growing. During the Great Patriotic War, the castle was burned down by guerrillas since it was supposed to intimidate fleeing Germans.
As a result the castle was in a tragic state. Perhaps, all that was remained of it is mighty walls. Nowadays the restoration work is held in the castle. It is planed to finish them by 2015.

Photos: fotkidepo.ru