Marina Oswald Porter (Prusakova) sent the wedding ring that her husband Lee Harvey Oswald bought in Minsk in 1961 to the auction house in New Hampshire.
This ring Oswald left in the cup on her bedside table when he went to kill the President Kennedy on November 22, 1963.
The auction will take place on October, 24 in Boston. It is considered that the ring will cost from 30 to 50 thousand dollars.
"It's the only Lee's thing which was returned to me - says Marina in the covering letter to the auction - and it lasted almost half a century. I got married to another man many years ago, raised children and got grandchildren. All these years I didn't wanted to have Lee's ring because I wanted to say symbolically goodbye to the past which connected me with the day November 22, 1963".
Marina Prusakova is 72 years old now.
Lee Harvey Oswald was the only official suspect in the killing of President John F. Kennedy. Oswald had lived in Minsk on Communist Street from 1959 to 1962. He worked on radio engineering plant "Horizont". More information you can read here.
Alexander Lukashuk in his book "Butterfly trail: Oswald in Minsk" described Osvald’s life in Minsk.
History of the Oswald's ring.
1961 – Lee Harvey Oswald bought a gold wedding ring in Minsk.
April 30, 1961 – Oswald and Marina Prusakova got married.
November 22, 1963 – Oswald left the ring and money in the cup on the nightstand beside the bed of Marina in the house of Ruth Paine in Irving, where they were living at the time with their daughters June and Odra.
December 2, 1963 – The Secret Service confiscated ring from Ruth Paine.
December 30, 1964 – The Secret Service returned the ring to the lawyer from Dallas who represented the interests of Marina Oswald.
2004 – The ring was found in the law firm Brackett & Ellis.
July 24, 2012 – Luke Ellis from Brackett & Ellis sent a letter to Marina Oswald about the ring
Beginning of 2013 - Marina traveled to Fort Wort and took the ring.
May 5, 2013 – Marina sent five pages letter with the history of the ring to the auction.
Lee Harvey Oswald, Marina Oswald, Minsk