Belarus women's basketball team won the second game at Euro-2013.
Author: Newsmaker added 16-06-2013, 23:00

The first half was an equal fight and ended with a two-point advantage of Croats which was achieved largely due to higher precision of long-range shots. In the second half Belarusians took the game into their own hands and allowed the rivals to score only 15 points.
The most productive in the national team of Belarus was Elena Levchenko, who scored 13 points. Tatiana Likhtarovich scored 12 points, Katerina Snytina - 11 points. Levchenko was the best in the number of rebounds - 12, Veremeyenko - 11, Likhtarovich - 6. In addition Tatyana Likhtarovich made 4 assists.
Belarusian team will play with Lithuania team on June, 17.