Hunting and fishing in Belarus
Due to geographical location, Belarus occupies a fitting place among the hunting grounds in Europe. Primeval forests and bogs, excitement of tracking down and haunting an animal, euphoria from a well-aimed shot, pleasure of the chance to seize the trophy - the one who arrives at Belarus (which game-preserves occupy 18 million hectares) will get all those customary hunting attributes in full.
Hunting traditions have developed in the Belarusian land for ages. The forests and woods, survived from medieval time, remember the sounds of hunting of the barons and kings. The soviet and foreign state figures used to come to the reserved places for hunting. Today no social ban against hunting exists in Belarus: any competent man of age, who has got an appropriate certificate granting the right to hunt, may go with his hunting-rifle or gun-dogs to hunt for wild boars, roes, deer, wolves, fox, waterfowl (more than 20 animal species and 30 bird species).
A foreigner who has arrived at the hunting ground shall, in addition to the certificate, have a contract for hunting-tour signed with a tourist agency, tourist operator or the user of such hunting ground, which contract shall be registered in the Ministry of Forestry.
The Germans come to the Belarusian forests to hunt for large animals: elks or deer. The Italians prefer waterfowl. The Russians come to Belarus in summer to hunt for wild boars at the places when they cause damage to crops, which kind of hunting is prohibited in Russia.
Hunting for foxes and wolves is among the preferences of the Britons. Foxes as well as wolves are regarded as the animals unwanted in the Belarusian forests, so the regulations of hunting for them are the most liberal. In particular, in certain cases it is permitted to use rifled sporting guns with more than 1000 joule muzzle energy, optic sights, night vision equipment, traps. The officials are discussing the probability of hunting for bears and lynxes.
One can try his luck in sports hunting for game-bird (ducks, wood grouses, hazel grouses, black grouses, woodcock). The main birds' migration tracks from the south run across Belarus and practically 'cover' the territory of this Republic. In summer and autumn, mallard ducks are the main trophies of the hunters. In addition to mallard ducks one can meet gray ducks, platybill ducks, tufted ducks, red-headed ducks.
Model hunting grounds have been created in Belarus, with highly-developed infrastructure: permanent and temporary towers for hunting for trophies; comfortable hunters' houses, kennels, professional hunters. One will have an opportunity to taste national dishes cooked of fresh-hit game.

The tours of Belarus, popular among the hunters, are proposed by the experimental game-preserves such as: Shereshevskoye in the Belovezhskaya Pustcha, Barsuki in the Berezina biosphere reserve. ‘Lyaskovichy' in the Pripyat national park. EuroPork, the tourist-hunting complex in the north-west of this country, are among the most popular hunting centers in Belarus. Hunting tours are organized in spring (April-May), summer, autumn and winter (August-January) hunting seasons.
Hunting does not end with a well-aimed shot. The Belarusian legislation allows export of trophies, without which your recollection of an unforgettable tour will be not vivid enough. The price is not less than Eur 470 for the elk trophy, Eur 400 for the wolf trophy, Eur 210 for the wild boar trophy, Eur 50 for the roe trophy. The price depends on the length of horns or fangs, age and weight of the animal. The trophy list and veterinarian certificate issued by the State Veterinary Service shall be the ground for export of the trophies by foreign hunters. Should foreign tourists wish to export their trophies of the animals, the trade in which is regulated by the international rules, the permit issued by the Ministry of Nature and Environmental Protection shall be also required.
Belarus is even of greater interest for inveterate fishermen: variety of fish species, unique nature, more than 10 thousand of the most pure lakes, about 20 thousand of rivers - one has enough place to display oneself and unfold his fishing-tackle. The national parks and fish industry of the Republic is involved in organization of sports, amateur, and underwater fishing. The Belarusian
health-centers, tourist centers, and the hospitable owners of the Belarusian rural households invite for fishing. Roaches, perches, ruffs as well as cat-fishes, pikes, breams. pike perches, eels can be found in the water bodies of Belarus. The relic glacial period fish species can be found only in the water bodies of the Belarusian Lake-Side.
Any one who wishes may go fishing in Belarus. Whip-, float-, and bottom- type rods of any system, as well as spinning rods, spoon-baits from the moving boat, trimmers, wooden oblong floats, harpoon guns and pistols, landing-nets and nettings for bait catching, may be used for amateur fishing. Fishing of any species is prohibited from April I till May 30, except for amateur fishing using one float rod with one fishhook per one fisherman, or using a spinning-rod from the bank at daytime. and except for production-purpose fishing for eels in the places and on the terms specified by the Ministry of Nature and Environmental Protection.
In addition, the following bans shall be imposed on fishing for:
- pike (Esox lucius) from March 1 till March 31;
- cat-fish (siluridae) from June 1 till July 1;
- whitefish (Coregonus] from November I fill December 15;
- burbot (Lota Iota) from December 25 till February 28;
- craylish (Astacidae) from October 15 till July 15;
- freshwater shrimp from April 1 till June 15;
- production-purpose fishing of any fish species in wintering pits from October 1 till April 15.
You are welcome to have an unforgettable journey along the Belarusian rivers and lakes that cause joy to the fishermen with both their picturesque surroundings and affluent take.
For booking a tour in Belarus you are welcome to the booking page.
Source: National Tourism Agency of the Republic of Belarus.