Stanislau Halakcijonau
Author: Lida added 10-09-2012, 23:51

Stanislau Halakcijonau (March 8,1937 – April 4, 2011) studied molecular biology, worked with the first computer, which was preparing a program on the biology associated with determining the structures of molecules, when the topic was a totally new and highly relevant. He became one of the founders of the discipline, which is now called molecular modeling. Halakcijonau began work at the Institute of Biology, National Academy of Sciences, in Belarus, where around him, when he was just PhD, spontaneously gathered a group of young scientists who quickly gained acceptance in the scientific community. However, life was difficult, the wage rate of a research assistant was a little more than the salary of a cleaner. Nevertheless, atmosphere of Halakcijonau’s teamwork remained easy and enjoyable. As friends say, to work with him, even in such difficult conditions, was a pleasure.

His opinion was respected already when Halakcijonau was simple Ph.D. even by venerable Moscow professors. A non-trivial approach to science had provided him fame. In the 70's he defended his doctoral work and deepened the work. Several of his books were published. In the 90’s the family of Stanislau Halakcijonau for some family reasons left the country for the United States, where he continued to work in St. Louis, and soon became a scientific celebrity in America. He worked with his colleagues from the same group of Halakcijonau who had also emigrated. When an American professor of classic molecular biology, Harold Gray, learned the results of Halakcijonau scientific work on the structure of linear peptides, he was very worried that since the Iron Curtain he was not able to learn about this work before.
The recognition of Halakcijonau became an international.
His works in biology were translated into European languages. The scientist also studied languages and even translated from Japanese. At the same time he never had the craving for a career that regularly prevents scientists. He knew what he is worth, so focused on the science, not in a career.
Halakcijonau also studied the history of biology in Belarus, even dedicated to the first Belarusian biologists one of the books. Halakcijonau worked active until 2001, when he suffered from a stroke.
Stanislav Galaktionov died April 8, 2011 from complications after heart surgery. He was buried in a botanical garden of Mobile in Alabama.