The mascot of the 2014 World Cup Championship in Minsk was named Volat
Author: Newsmaker added 28-04-2013, 06:11

It was noted that Volat is a beautiful name and in every language sounds almost the same, and the tourists will easy call this name and write it.
The Internet voting was conducted on the site of Belarus Ice Hockey Federation ( and through social networking site from 10 till 20 April, and users chose the name of the mascot of hockey World Cup, which will be held in May 9-25, 2014 in Minsk.
There were 289 names submitted at the competition and stories about each fully meet all the requirements. The jury selected 10 of the most popular, which were introduced to Internet voting.
According to the contest, name and history-biography of the official World Cup mascot should reflect the characteristics of the national culture and the hockey game, demonstrate the power and strength and to be understandable to millions of hockey fans all around the world, evoke the positive and bright associations.
Bison Volat is a descendant of a noble family, who has been a legend for a long time. Volat without hesitation stood up for the weak, defended homeland from the enemy, and his strength kept the enemy away. But one greedy Mongol Khan, who was a friend of the dark forces, decided to find him and turned into a powerful warrior bison. Nevertheless, khan's troops were defeated, but the hero Volat has remained a bison so far.
Bison Volat has still protected the peace and tranquility of his native land, but his passionate heart could not find peace. One winter day, he wandered into the frozen river on which played children. He wanted to take part in fun. Volat was gladly accepted in the game. Then, on the river, driving a stick ice ball, Volat felt alive. His eyes were burning, the speed was breathtaking. This dynamic game allowed Volat to give vent to his endless energy. Volat decided that he would be a good hockey player. He regularly trained, worked hard on himself and soon reached a new level, becoming a great player, a reliable link in any team. He has everything - courage, strength, intelligence and warm heart. This bison - a full national team player, and he rushes towards new victories, and in addition represents power, dynamics and advantages of hockey.
Volat is the character of the East Slavic mythology, the hero of large size and strength. According to legend, this hero lived in ancient times and buried under mounds called Valatouki. In the north-eastern and central parts of Belarus, there are a lot of names of settlements Volatau, Valatouki that bind to the folk traditions.